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jo @ dgcoaching

Being Happier and Healthier - isn't that something we should all want?

A Happier and Healthier You.

What does that sentence mean to you? What could it look like?

There are so many images in mainstream and social media on what healthy looks like, that it becomes impersonal. The stage-managed Instagram pictures and the posts that are actually ads give a distorted view on how people are actually feeling.

‘Happier and Healthier You’ reminds me that it’s not just one part of my life that impacts how I feel and how I behave. How and where I work impacts my health just as much as how and where I exercise. The people I surround myself with can lift me up, or they can pull me down.

I’m sure you’ve left work after a long week feeling exhausted…like it’s literally drained the lifeblood out of you. Conversely, I’m sure you’ve felt the feeling of confidence and well-being after you’ve received great feedback or had wonderful conversation over lunch.

When I look from that “bigger picture” perspective, I’m also reminded that I don’t have to be happy to be happier. I don’t have to be healthy to be healthier. There is a sense of opportunity and momentum… wherever I am today in my life is just fine. AND, I can take action and make steps towards being happier and healthier.

How would a Happier and Healthier You like to be living life?

A great first step to answering this is stepping back and looking at your life from 30,000ft, which you can do by using a Wheel of Life. It’s nice and straightforward (you can download one for free here):

– Score each of the areas out of 10 based on how happy you are vs your expectations

– Don’t overthink, go with your gut

– Join up the lines, so you can see the shape of a wheel

Stop… grab a cup of tea and sit and look at the wheel.

o How do you feel about it as a representation of your current health and happiness?

o Which 1 area would you like to improve?

o What 1 change can you make next week to improve it?

We know how easy it is to get bogged in every day life. Juggling balls – work, children, relationships, ambitions. Rushing just to keep up. By identifying a single manageable change that you can work on over the next few weeks, you can form a habit that you are able to sustain and add to.

Just start by doing 1 thing towards that Happier and Healthier You.

DGCoaching was founded to enable managers to become inspiring leaders, who focus on the health and happiness of themselves and the people who work for them. If this blog has resonated with you, book a complimentary 30-minute consultation where we can look at a current issue you’re battling with and learn more about the opportunities of working together. Click here to book now.

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